Saturday, September 11, 2010

Marz is dying.  :(

   He never really perked up since i oppened his package. My first experience ordering a fish online seems to be ending badly. Poor marzipan. I doubt he'll make it through the night. I told the seller but i doubt they can do replacements and i dont think i want to subject another fish to shipping in case thats what made him sick. Usually I can clear up minor problems by simply having live plants and nutritious foods but whatever he came with... it seems to be too much for the poor guy. Atleast he gets to see plants and space before he dies, its probably more than he ever had growing up.
I am breeding mine in fully planted tanks. All natural...none of that sterile bare bottom stuff. The gravel and plants Make for lots of tiny organisms for the fry to munch on also .It will be a little experiment for me. I know theres practical reasons to bare bottom breeding tanks but ive seen it done successfully both ways.

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