Thursday, September 9, 2010

Got my boy in the mail today!!! Alive and well,flared a bit at the other males but all in all is pretty mellow. Hes probably ok just needs a well deserved rest after shipping. He was extremely hungry,picking at everything so i gave him a few blood worms which he took to greedily. A suprise was his color.. the ebay sale said red but hes, well, i dont know what he is. A weird mix of colors i cant describe. I like him better than the example pic,specially after finding the last red at the store yesterday.Hell probably get more color back over a few days but the effect of this strange new color he has is quite nice.I have affectionately named him marz (marzipan) because the closest thing i can think of that he resembles is candy.

here are pics of the other three,first is iron man,second is larry boy(named by my daughter),and third is mercury

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