Thursday, November 4, 2010

goodwill tank set up, currently has baby dragon scale and 3 much younger crowntail babies. Couldnt catch the rest lol.before and after.

Cichlid tank cushed coral and jungle val. Limestone and coral hunks. Yellow labs and rusties.

This is one of my female twin tails....or is it? Sure is getting manly.


baby dragon scale betta at a little over a month

hes getting so big!
 New oscar with damaged face. I got him for free because the store didnt think he would live. well hes healing nicely and i like him a lot. Hes like ten times bigger than my others but he doesnt bother them. Hes about a foot long i think.

pucker up!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

hovering over roxy's (convict)hide pipe.
floaters,hyacinth suprisingly growing well
say what you will about bullheads...ive had him since he was less than an inch long and hes the cleanest fish ive ever had. Ive never seen him poop. There supreme at not wasting anything they eat. they make very little waste. And he has a neat personality. So call him a trash fish if you want but i like him a lot.


Pics,pics always more pics....

Some of my new girl convict roxy,and my new girl betta with extra long pectoral fins.
oscars, scuse the small bout of ick im treating

Filter media lava rock and fiber-fill
mini salvinia
floating plants from blu fish' sale doing great!
extra long pec. fins
betta divided ten.  long pec. female, and big red male

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Got an offer to trade  a 55 for an 120! that would be so great! I hope it works out. If it does ill have a whole lot of set-up pictures ill be posting, lol.

Didnt work out,he dropped and broke it  :((

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Marz is dying.  :(

   He never really perked up since i oppened his package. My first experience ordering a fish online seems to be ending badly. Poor marzipan. I doubt he'll make it through the night. I told the seller but i doubt they can do replacements and i dont think i want to subject another fish to shipping in case thats what made him sick. Usually I can clear up minor problems by simply having live plants and nutritious foods but whatever he came with... it seems to be too much for the poor guy. Atleast he gets to see plants and space before he dies, its probably more than he ever had growing up.
I am breeding mine in fully planted tanks. All natural...none of that sterile bare bottom stuff. The gravel and plants Make for lots of tiny organisms for the fry to munch on also .It will be a little experiment for me. I know theres practical reasons to bare bottom breeding tanks but ive seen it done successfully both ways.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Got my boy in the mail today!!! Alive and well,flared a bit at the other males but all in all is pretty mellow. Hes probably ok just needs a well deserved rest after shipping. He was extremely hungry,picking at everything so i gave him a few blood worms which he took to greedily. A suprise was his color.. the ebay sale said red but hes, well, i dont know what he is. A weird mix of colors i cant describe. I like him better than the example pic,specially after finding the last red at the store yesterday.Hell probably get more color back over a few days but the effect of this strange new color he has is quite nice.I have affectionately named him marz (marzipan) because the closest thing i can think of that he resembles is candy.

here are pics of the other three,first is iron man,second is larry boy(named by my daughter),and third is mercury

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My dragon male from new york was shipped yesterday. I hope he gets here within a day or 2 so he isnt stressed too much by the trip.Got a good deal at blue fish today 2 filters for $10. I needed the extras.Sofie, in a very sweet attempt to be like mommy,decided to feed the crowntail today. She upended the entire bottle of betta pellets into his tank! Needless to say it needed cleaning after
Found this guy at a local lfs today. Hes a young male dragon scale! Of course i brought him home!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

tattooed fish

despite being unimaginably cruel, These are now,quite possibly the ugliest parrots (or any fish) i've ever seen thanks to some morons bad idea of art...who would buy those fish?
A fish in the hand is worth two in the...tank??
The terracotta pots have left the building! My honey said they had to go. I guess he had a point, they did look awefull. lol. Next dit project...make a cave thats not ugly.

some random pics of new floating plants (salvinia,frogbit,lettuce,and hyacinth) and asher the oscar :)

new male looking a lot better than in the cup he came in.

Regarding the use of terracotta pots as caves.......

I came home with two large pots for my oscars this morning. My wonderfull,yet ever so nit-picky hunny hates the whole concept of terra cotta in my aquariums. I find terracotta to look quite nice alongside a plethora of plants of varrying colors and shapes. And of course...practicality.
So we'll see what he says when he wakes up and looks at it matters,when it comes to my aquascaping fancys he doesnt have a lot of say..maybe im not a very good girlfriend lol.

Ordered rachovii Beira eggs from overseas. Never tried killis before,should be an interesting adventure.This is what theyll hatch into. Pic courtesy of the wonderfull web.
frustrated at labor day. My red dragon wont be sent for another day. Grrr. Adopted another male today,just a regular veiltail. As soon as i get pics ill put them up.

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